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Research Center For Multiple, Sexual Orgasms 
where you can find the ultimate solutions for Tao of Love and Rejuvenation.

Based upon "Resonant Excitation Of Sexual Orgasms - Tao Of Love Coupling"
by Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE, a bridge between the Eastern Taoism Sexuality and the Western Engineering Science.==> [ORDERING THE BOOK]< =>[Why?]
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Case Study - >It is difficult to have multiple, sexual orgasms from the Clitoris; requiring the G-spot stimulation.(unedited)
Reader: 7/24/1998>
First of all my girlfriend and I are not having sex yet. We have both decided that we want to wait a little while. However we do have some great foreplay. My question is why does my girlfriend not have multiple orgasms. When she has her orgasm she wants to stop and really isn't interested in doing anything anymore. Sometimes it is frustrating. Is there something I can do? Thanks.
Dr. Lin: 7/25/1998>

Clitoral orgasm is an orgasmic (bioelectric) pulse produced by an abrupt opening of the sexual energy gate ( I called it the Earth Gate)  under the clitoral root.  The energy gate is essential for sexual energy to radiate out of the pelvic cavity. Opening this gate is like turning on an electrical switch, that produces an electrical transient pulse. If the gate is open,  female orgasm should be continued by the G-spot or/and Epicenter (the female degenerated prostate) stimulation, leading to multiple orgasms. The 2 -point and 3-point excitation methods are to  trigger female orgasm and open the energy gate at the same time.  

After her diffusion-type (clitoris) orgasm, her clitoris becomes hypersensitive and her sexual energy is diffused into the entire body. Once the sexual energy is dispersed from her uterus, she will lose her sex drive immediately. Since her clitoris is too sensitive to touch, she won't accept any external stimulation.
However, she can continue to accept the G-spot stimulation. The G-spot stimulation allows the mechanical (stimulating) energy to be converted into sexual energy if her bioelectricity in her parasympathetic nervous system is still in average level, -70mV.
The bioelectricity level is also affected by the testosterone level controlled by eating, drinking, and stimulation. Too-Frequent sex will lower down the bioelectric level, that make the sexual nerves become less sensitive. Long foreplay will discharge a lot of bioelectric potential, resulting in dryness of her vagina and partial erection of your penis, and leading to numbness of sex organs for no orgasm.
Young couples tend to have a very long foreplay before intercourse. The purpose of Foreplay is to peak up the testosterone level in the blood stream for both of you. After certain duration of foreplay, the testosterone level will start to recede. Once her testosterone ebbs, her sexual sensation will be gone immediately. To regenerate her sexual energy, you have to stimulate the other spots on her sex organs.

Since you don't have sexual intercourse, it is not easy for her to achieve multiple orgasms - orgasms of multiple times or cycles. Multiple-cycle, sexual orgasms require a lot of sexual energy to be trapped in her uterus and then suddenly released with multiple contractions of her uterus. With her sexual energy piled up in her uterus, if she experiences one-cycle orgasm a time, she can have more orgasms in one love session before her sexual energy is completely empty.

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Copyright (C) since 1997 Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE., All rights reserved.