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Research Center For Multiple, Sexual Orgasms
where you can find the ultimate solutions for Tao of Love and Rejuvenation.

Based upon "Resonant Excitation Of Sexual Orgasms - Tao Of Love Coupling"
by Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE, a bridge between the Eastern Taoism Sexuality and the Western Engineering Science.==> [ORDERING THE BOOK]<
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Case Study -> Our customers confidence is our goal; Dr. Lin's sexual teaching in the CD_ROM makes him have sex for 2 hours and gives her a lot of sexual orgasm.
Reader: 11/17/1998>

I have read your book and wanted to tell you that you have done an outstanding job. This is absolutely the best love manual for people with a brain. This is truly a Sexual Kung Fu book! Just like any good Kung Fu teacher, your emphasize underlying strategies, principles and energies involved rather than individual techniques and methods. Although none of the techniques described in the book were new to me, I was never able to use them successfully because I did not understand what the active ingredients were.

After reading your book once I was able to enjoy the most vocal and expressive reaction from my girlfriend for the full duration of our longest love making session, yet (two hours!) in spite of her being very tired that evening, when I was accustomed to rather indifferent ho-hum attitude in the past. In fact, she threatened to bring her friend to join us to keep me satisfied =). Although in the past I could go on for as long as forty minutes only the first 5-15 minutes were received enthusiastically by my girlfriend regardless of speed or position.

I have found the following principles to be the most valuable: 3-points of excitation, trigger zones, angle of attack (G-Spot pressure and male trigger zone), screwing technique, stroke frequency.

Your excellent comments about the G-spot also enabled me to finally find it and use it.

You may quote any part of this testimony anywhere you wish but please avoid using my name and initials with it.

I used a Taoist Qigong Mantak Chia practice to control ejaculation. Since I have much success with the other method, I did not try to implement yours but squeezing air in the lower abdominal helps the transfer of energy upward sometimes. Just drawing energy up while centering my mind in the third eye and then moving it up to Bai Hui works best for me without desensitization side effects. If I want to orgasm, I just orgasm, stop ejaculation by locking my PC muscle and anus and draw the energy up. This way orgasm does not stop the sex but only extends it. If I want to delay the orgasm, I draw the energy up and center my mind until the pressure goes away. The main factor is the conversion exercises (see Mantak Chia book Taoist Secrets of Love: Cultivating Male Sexual Energy) and Microcosmic Orbit that I do daily that make the sexual energy a lot more manageable and easier to draw. Without the exercises I am not able to delay orgasm or stop ejaculation even if I train the PC muscle.

I have a question, though.
The high angle of attack works wonders but the added pressure downward on the shaft stresses the muscles and generates a lot of energy at the base so I have to stop to draw it out. Any suggestions?
Thank you,

Dr. Lin:11/18/1998>
Massage the penis base and footing to ballooning the penis to a maximum size, the sum of your middle finger length + your palm size!
Also Massage your groins to channel the sexual energy across your prostate into your Tail Bone (Acupuncture Point GV-1 of the Governing vessel, also the Coccygeal nerve) by contracting your butts against your tail bone! You should exercise the tail-bone (coccygeal) muscle very often any time (including intercourse)! (Other and your methods can not channel the sexual energy into GV-1 and Spinal Cord, like my Tai-Chi "Yin" Kong does as described in the book, During intercourse, my "Yin" Kong allows you to extract her sexual energy to power up your penis, and channel you sexual energy in the prostate area back into your spinal cord. That is why you can have 2-hour sex and give her more orgasms than she can take. You use her sexual energy to make her come over and over again. With my "Yin" Kong approach, you completely empty her sexual energy. There is no other method like mine using the female sexual energy to make her come over and over again until she is exhausted! The other method is the "Yang-type" ChiKong which is supposed for womem to accelerate their orgasmic response. )

DON"T CONTRACT THE PROSTATE MUSCLE (so-called the PC muscle!). Use my Ballooning Effect to numb your penis!

(The outline of the book is given in http://www.actionlove.com/love/preface.htm )

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Any love problems, Ask the black-belt Sexual ChiKong(KungFu) Master, Dr. Lin. FREE!
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Copyright (C) since 1997 Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE., All rights reserved.